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Pictogrammes CC:
Family designed by Jens Tärning from The Noun Project
Child designed by Jens Tärning from The Noun Project
Stroller from The Noun Project
Drink designed by Alessandro Suraci from The Noun Project
Toys designed by Louie McPherson from The Noun Project
Museum designed by Joris Hoogendoorn from The Noun Project
Restaurant designed by Roberto Pinto from The Noun Project
Basketball from The Noun Project
Sixteenth Note designed by Fiona Yeung from The Noun Project
Jeep designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
Newspaper from The Noun Project
Balloon designed by Studio Het Mes from The Noun Project
Paint Brush designed by Björn Andersson from The Noun Project
£Scissors designed by Scott Lewis from The Noun Project
Dice from The Noun Project
Music designed by Hum from The Noun Project
Mouse designed by Jon Testa from The Noun Project
Doctor designed by Lemon Liu from The Noun Project
Light Bulb designed by Pascual Bilotta from The Noun Project
Reading designed by Rudy Jaspers from The Noun Project
Party Hat designed by Minna Ninova from The Noun Project
Shopping Bag designed by Erin Standley from The Noun Project
Calendar designed by David Marioni from The Noun Project
Question designed by Martin Delin from The Noun Project
Web Portal designed by Pieter J. Smits from The Noun Project
Alert designed by Thomas Le Bas from The Noun Project
Breastfeeding designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
Family designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
Baby Crib designed by Mert Gutav from The Noun Project
Idea Exchange designed by Luis Prado from The Noun Project
Email designed by Martha Ormiston from The Noun Project