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You are not born a parent 3

30 juin
Sur les écrans | De 19h à 21h | En angl | Pour futurs parents et parents de jeunes bébés | Gratuit | S'INSCRIRE

A child needs parents who « nurture » him or her both physically and emotionally. The bond that a mother and father form with their child marks the beginning of their upbringing, right through to adulthood.
This seminar offers future parents a possibility to discuss about raising a child an makes them aware of the following topics:
Raising a child – a necessity for growing up well. The role of both the father and the mother – resources and skills. The parental couple – a new challenge. Family life – managing every day routines.

Dabrowska Joanna, bachelor in social and educational sciences For future parents or parents of small babies.

Proposé par l’Eltereschoul Janusz Korczaks.
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